
Samba Fusion

About our

Each participant receives an instrument, will learn how to use it, learn how to play their part, learn how to listen to each other & learn how to play music together.  

For Primary Schools, workshops are designed to complement the music curriculum, listening & responding and performing; the composing aspect can be also covered in longer workshops.

For secondary level, workshops are focused on interplay and interaction within the group. Workshops duration varies according to school’s timetable.

Transition Years workshops can last from 1h to a whole day covering rhythm from various part of the world with discussion on history and social impact of music with multimedia support from around the world.

Most workshops last from 1 to 2h and manage to get the group playing a piece of music together within 30 to 40mn. A workshop can cater for up to 30 pupils.

Small schools can avail to an all level session including all pupils from junior infant to 6th class. Workshop duration 1h.
